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Today in YFD History: February 18th and 19th, 1945

Two multiple alarm fires were recorded the weekend of February 18th and 19th, 1945. Youngstown Fire Department Companies worked in 20 degree weather to control several blazes that broke out that weekend.


At 5:53pm on Saturday, February 18th, 1945, fire companies battled a 2-alarm blaze at the Kinray Manufacturing Co. plant at 648 Marshall St. The fire started when “sparks from a grinder ignited refuse in the elevator shaft.” The fire spread to the second floor manufacturing area. Fire companies were able to save the office area on the second floor. The $35,000 fire (adjusted would be $461,000 today) was fought by eight YFD units. The Kinray Manufacturing Co produced “vitally needed war products.”


On Sunday, February 19th, fire companies were called to the Ice and Fuel Co’s 3,000-ton storage building at Oak Hill and Ridge Ave. The initial call at 9:42am was followed by the second and third alarms at 9:58am. Twelve fire units responded. Damage from that fire was also estimated at $35,000 to the building constructed in 1925. It is believed that a fire started by transients to keep warm was the cause of the blaze.


While companies were fighting the Ice and Fuel Co’s fire, the fire department sent a company to assist volunteer firefighters at a spectacular fire at Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co’s Campbell plant. The fire caused several thousand dollars in damage and flames leapt 35-40 feet in the air as oil overflowed onto fans in one of the motor rooms.


At 1:56pm on Sunday, February 19th, firefighters were called to the Stehpen Gorcuit residence where a fire caused by an overheated furnace caused $2,800 damage to the home.


At 11:50pm on Sunday, February 19th, firefighters were called to the home of Carmine Seidita at 439 Albert Street. Hot ashes in a wood basket caused a fire that destroyed most of the contents of the home’s basement and did $450 in damage.




Fire Causes $35,000 Loss at War Plant, Youngstown Vindicator, Saturday, February 18, 1945.


Two-Day Fire Loss $75,000; Former Ice Plant Gutted, Youngstown Vindicator, Sunday, February 19, 1945.

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