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Fire Box Alarm History Book

Call boxes were once common in many cities in the United States. They were a method of summoning help before telephones were commonplace. Call boxes were completely independent from power and phone systems allowing them to continue to operate in all but the most extreme emergencies.

City of Youngstown Fire Box Alarm History focuses on the Youngstown, Ohio Fire box system which was in use from 1875 to 1995. The book features the fire alarm history, photos of the city’s fire alarm boxes, the remains of the system today and a list of box locations throughout the city.


The book is  4.25″ x 6.88″ in size, contains 430 pages and is wrapped in a gorgeous full color cover.  This book is the perfect reference manual for your fire collection. The book’s author, Greg Ricker, has been researching the history of the Youngstown Fire Department for 20 years and runs several web sites devoted to showing public safety in a positive light including and the Mahoning Valley Emergency Services group on Facebook. ISBN – 978-1-5323-7303-9


The book retails for $14.95.

Where to Purchase

PayPal and all major credit cards accepted.

1980's Map of city box numbering. Greg Ricker, Webmaster.

1930's style Gamewell Call Box Pole. Box #1222 was at Belmont and Rayen. This box features a fire call box on one side and a police paddy wagon telegraph box on the other. This box resides in the waiting room at the Main Fire Station Downtown.

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DISCLAIMER: This site is not an "official" city of Youngstown website. Any official department business should be directed to the Fire Chief's office at 330-747-7403. The content provided is believed to be an accurate representation of the YFD. This site is a tribute to the firefighters who serve the City of Youngstown and its citizens. The Job Opportunities section should not be considered as an official notice of examination. Information regarding testing dates will be listed on the City of Youngstown's official web site. No city funds were or are used for this website.


Copyright © 1998-2024 Site designed and maintained by Greg Ricker.


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