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Gov Tod Engine House

Gov Tod Fire House with second bay for the Hook and Ladder Co. Post 1871.

Gov Tod Fire House with second bay for the Hook and Ladder Co. Post 1871.

Station Designation:

Address/Cross Street:



Construction Began:

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Gov Tod Engine House

W. Boardman St. and S. Hazel St., Youngstown, Ohio 44503



Originally 1 bay, 2nd bay for hook and ladder added in 1871.

Gov Tod Engine, Hook & Ladder Co.



Additional Information:

This was the city's first fire station. It sat at the northeast corner of Boardman and Hazel. Construction was completed sometime in 1868. The station originally housed only the engine but with the organization of the Hook and Ladder Co. in 1871 the building next door was converted into an additional truck bay. It was closed and demolished to make way for the new Central Fire Station (No.1 (A)) in 1894.

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Page last updated on

June 27, 2020 at 2:22:28 AM

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DISCLAIMER: This site is not an "official" city of Youngstown website. Any official department business should be directed to the Fire Chief's office at 330-747-7403. The content provided is believed to be an accurate representation of the YFD. This site is a tribute to the firefighters who serve the City of Youngstown and its citizens. The Job Opportunities section should not be considered as an official notice of examination. Information regarding testing dates will be listed on the City of Youngstown's official web site. No city funds were or are used for this website.


Copyright © 1998-2024 Site designed and maintained by Greg Ricker.


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